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Sunday, May 20, 2007 at 5:27 AM

Shabbat with the Shamberginis

I'm just coming down off a glorious high from spending Shabbat with some of the greatest people I know. Yesterday was Dovie Shamberg's bar mitzvah at the kotel, so the whole family came in and lots of amazing chevre were there. After he did an incredible job with kriat haTorah at the kotel (in the blazing hot sun, which my now blazing red chest and face can attest to), we headed back up to the Tzemach Tzedek shul in the Old City for a lovely celebration and very good macrobiotic food. Got to chill with Eliyahu, Yosef, Shaul, Gershon and of course Shlayma and Miriam. Aron and Shoshana were so happy, they were floating on air. Dovie was a total pro, and thanked each one of his siblings for what they've taught him. He told Shlayma, "Thanks for letting me know what's right and wrong." Haha, so true. Avraham and Esther Sutton were there as well, and he gave a beautiful dvar Torah in his usual meditative, stream-of-consciousness style. I really miss learning from Avraham, and I told him so. Who knows, maybe we'll head out there for Shabbat sometime soon.

That night at the subsequent melava malka, Tova had me repeatedly hold her baby, feed him, and burp him. Apparently she has an agenda in getting me to be comfortable with babies. Sorry hon, not for awhile. Lots of other things to do before having kids, including Yaakov getting out of the army and traveling and in general being able to get a least a bit of my own shit together before not only giving birth to but being responsible for the life of another human being. At this point I can barely handle having cats.

Anyway, being around so many incredible people that I know well and feel comfortable with always spurs me to be my best self; I suppose that's often the way it is. So what to do with these feelings of inspiration?

~ set up chavruta for real
~ have a Shavuot that puts the "holy" in "holiest motherfucking Shavuot ever"

Fun plans for tonight -- dropping off headshots at the home of a director to possibly be cast in a commercial (!), editing footage of "Some Girl(s)" with Michael, finishing cleaning the crap out of the old apartment with Yaakov and getting the new one ready for the arrival of Yish-to-the-I.

Blogger Unknown said...

shavua tov chaviva, r' davide had an idea for a learning chabura that would include us, but wants to put it off another week. lets talk soon, but as of now, we aren't meeting tues night. have a great day. -a  


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